For The Leeds Summat 21/11/09 Black Dogs displayed and illustrated their DIY Survival Kit. The Survival Kit is a publication that gathers together local skills and knowledge through ‘how to’ cards that explain an activity you might normally be afraid to tackle yourself. The kit can then be consulted in sticky situations like ‘I don’t have a bed to sleep in’, ‘How do I make a chicken stir-fry’, ‘I can’t afford to go to the barbers’, or ’I’m bored’.
Attendees of the Leeds Summat were invited to browse a scaled-up version of the kit and also to join previous users in submitting a card for inclusion in future kits. In addition, members of Black Dogs enacted, performed and vainly-attempted a selection of the activities from the DIY Survival Kit for the entertainment and education of those gathered.
Activities include How To Snazz up an Outfit, How to make a Beuys Chair, How to make an Envelope, Personal grooming with Grandad, How to Play a Heavy Riff, How To Land Interviews With Big Names and many more indispensable life-skills and survival techniques.
Black Dogs for the DIY Survival Kit: Live! were
Andy Abbott, Michael Burkitt, Yvonne Carmichael, James Hill, Richard Ormrod, Bryony Pritchard, Dave Ronalds and Mick Welbourn